Skip to main content macroeconomics data on R@CMon

· 3 min read
Blair M. Bethwaite

Start. The Faculty of Business and Economics required a hosted website whereby researchers can search for and download Australian Macroeconomic data such as growth, inflation, unemployment etc. Currently these data are available from many different sources, for example the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Reserve Bank of Australia etc. This website would act as a "one-stop shop" for researchers who use Australian macroeconomic data, and facilitate research into the Australian economy.

Setting up the website is an objective of the ARC Discovery project 'Macroeconomic Forecasting in a Big Data World' (DP140103220) with Chief Investigators Dr Anastasios Panagitelis, Associate Professor George Athanasopoulos, Professor Rob Hyndman and Professor Farshid Vahid.

R@CMon consulted at length with the faculty regarding specifications for their searchable macroeconomic database being created as part of an ARC grant. The database is to be a public database accessible by researchers.

The faculty created a development site after consulting with the R@CMon team with a view of migrating it over to the R@CMon server in the future. After only a couple of weeks of its creation they'd successfully moved their development site over to the new R@CMon server. The online searchable database of macroeconomic data was named and went live May 2015.


Blog titles: Macroeconmic "one-stop-shop" online database Researchers can now access one-stop-shop Researchers feast on Macroeconomic data Australian Macroeconomic data now in one place, an online searchable database of macroeconomic data is hosted on R@CMon.

Initial note from Kheeran: I had meeting with Professor Farshid Vahid, Dr. Anastasios Panagiotelis, and Timur Behlul earlier today in regards to a searchable macroeconomic database that they are creating as part of an ARC grant. The database is to be a public database accessible by researchers.

Met with Anastasios (CI) and Timur (tech resource developing the DB interface). Timur had been working on a php based interfaces but so far developing on Windows. Advised them that for putting it into production it would be best to use a Linux setup and provided some pointers on setting up an Ubuntu LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on R@CMon.

After a couple of weeks they'd successfully moved their development site over to the new R@CMon server and were ready to make it live. We then provided some advice on setting up DNS records with service they'd acquired a name from (

From their Research Cloud allocation request

Use case:

Hosting a website whereby researchers will be able to search for and download Australian Macroeconomic data such as growth, inflation, unemployment etc. Currently these data are available from many different sources, for example the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Reserve Bank of Australia etc. This webstite will act as a "one-stop shop" for researchers who use Australian macroeconomic data, and facilitate research into the Australian economy.

Setting up the website is an objective of the ARC Discovery project 'Macroeconomic Forecasting in a Big Data World' (DP140103220) with Chief Investigators Dr Anastasios Panagitelis, Associate Professor George Athanasopoulos, Professor Rob Hyndman and Professor Farshid Vahid.