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MonARCH (Monash Advanced Research Computing Hybrid) is the next-generation HPC/HTC Cluster, designed from the ground up to address the emergent and future needs of the Monash HPC community.
A key feature of MonARCH is that it is provisioned through R@CMon, the Research Cloud @ Monash facility. Through the use of advanced cloud technology, MonARCH is able to configure and grow dynamically. As with any HPC cluster, MonARCH presents a single point-of-access to computational researchers to run calculations on its constituent servers.
MonARCH aims to continually develop over time. Currently, it consists of the following servers
Name | CPU | Number of Cores / Server | Usable Memory / Server | Notes |
mi* | Xeon-Gold 6150 @ 2.70GHz | 36 | 158893MB | |
hi* | Xeon-Gold 6150 @ 2.70GHz | 27 | 131000MB | Same hardware as mi* nodes, but with less cores/memory in the VM |
ga* | Xeon-Gold-6330 @ 3.10GHz | 56 | 754178MB | Each server has two A100 GPU devices |
gd* | Xeon-Gold-6448Y @ 4.1GHG | 64 | 774551MB | Each server has two A40 GPU devices |
hm00 | Xeon-Gold-6150 @ 2.70GHz | 26 | 1419500MB | Specialist High Memory ~1.4TB machine. Please contact support to get access |
md* | Xeon(R) Gold 5220R @ 2.2GHz | 48 | 735000MB | The most recent Monarch Nodes which are baremetal |
mk* | Xeon-Platinum-8260 @ 2.50GHz | 48 | 342000MB | |
ms* | Xeon-Gold-6338 @ 2.00GHz | 64 | 505700MB | The most recent Monarch Nodes |
For data storage, we have deployed a parallel file system service using Intel Enterprise Lustre; providing over 300 TB usable storage with room for future expansion.
The MonARCH service is operated by the Monash HPC team and continuing technical and operational support from the Monash Cloud team, and eSolutions Servers-and-Storage, and Networks teams.
Acknowledgement and Citation
If you have found MonARCH useful for your research, we will be very grateful if you kindly acknowledge us with a text along the lines of:
This research was supported in part by Monash eResearch and eSolutions-Research Support Services through the use of the MonARCH HPC Cluster.