Bioplatforms Australia - CSIRO NGS Workshop (July 1-3, 2014)
Last July 1-3, 2014, the latest Bioplatforms Australia - CSIRO joint Next Generation Sequencing hands-on workshop was held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. The workshop was delivered using the established Bioinformatics Training Platform running on the NeCTAR Research Cloud and provided bench biologists and PhD students with NGS training on the following topics:
- Introduction to the command-line interface - Software Carpentry
- Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing
- Illumina Next Generation Sequencing Data Quality
- Sequence Alignment Algorithms
- ChIP-Seq Analysis
- RNA-Seq Analysis
- de novo Genome Assembly
The R@CMon team helped the workshop organisers in updating the training environment with the latest tools, datasets and other materials as well as ensuring resource stability throughout the 3 day workshop. Future Bioplatforms Australia and CSIRO joint workshops will be announced on the Bioplatforms Australia Training page.
The trainees have the following to say about the workshop:
"The practical component made it 1000 times easier to get my head around the course and I feel like I can be confident in actually applying what I've learned (instead of just in lecture format)."
"The beginning with introduction to Unix environment and explanation of the de novo assembly was the best part of the course as the commands were described in more detail so I could understand what the different commands were executing. There was more practical work with the de novo assembly which was good."
"Hands on experience is good, and the first part on command lines is good for the beginners."