Upcoming Software Carpentry Bootcamp for Bioinformaticians (Adelaide/Melbourne)
Two Software Carpentry Bootcamps are scheduled for September/October 2013.
The bootcamps are designed for Bioinformaticians to improve their productivity through good programming and software development practices. The bootcamps will be held in Adelaide on September 2013. and Melbourne on October 2013. It will be delivered using the NeCTAR Research Cloud and we, the R@CMon team, will be assisting in these bootcamps.
The bootcamps are supported by the following organisations:
- Australian Bioinformatics Network
- Bioplatforms Australia
- Bioinformatics Interest Group of South Australia
- The University of Adelaide
- Monash University
- Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
Visit the Australian Bioinformatics Network site for details on the bootcamps
More information about the Adelaide bootcamp can be found here. More information about the Melbourne bootcamp can be found here.
Visit the Software Carpentry site for more information about Software Carpentry and future international bootcamps.