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Bioplatforms Australia - CSIRO NGS Workshop (July 9-10 2012)

· One min read
Jerico Revote

We've successfully engaged Bioplatforms Australia and CSIRO in utilising the NeCTAR Research Cloud infrastructure to deliver next-generation sequencing workshops in Monash University and University of New South Wales last July 9-10, 2012.****

We've created a custom cloud image which contains the relevant training materials, datasets and software stack.The image has been uploaded into the NeCTAR cloud and used to instantiate multiple virtual machines for the hands-on workshop. The same image has also been made available for download for participants to try locally on their local machines.****

Automation tools that integrates provisioning of virtual machines, software stack installation, dataset preparation have been created for easy re-deployment of resources for various workshop sites around Australia.

A manuscript entitled "Next Generation Sequencing (NGS): A challenge to meet the increasing demand for training workshops in Australia" has been recently accepted for publication in Briefings in Bioinformatics.

This article can also be found, published created commons

  • Revote, Jerico; Bethwaite, Blair; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve (2013): Bioplatforms Australia - CSIRO NGS Workshop (July 9-10 2012). Monash University. Online resource.