Bioinformatics on MonARCH
MonARCH shares the same software stack as M3, which has a number of bioinformatics packages available in the default set of modules. These include versions of:
- bwa
- bamtools
- bcftools
- bedtools
- bcl2fastq
- bowtie
- bowtie2
- cufflinks
- cytoscape
- fastx-toolkit
- kallisto
- macs2
- muscle
- phyml
- picard
- qiime2
- raxml
- rstudio
- samtools
- star
- sra-tools
- subread
- tophat
- varscan
- vep
- (this list shouldn't be regarded as exhaustive!)
A software stack of additional packages (known as bio-ansible) is maintained by the Monash Bioinformatics Platform (MBP).
Tools are periodically added as required by the user community.
Modules maintained by MBP are installed at: /usr/local2/bioinformatics/
To access these additional tools, type:
source /usr/local2/bioinformatics/
This loads the bio-ansible modules into your environment alongside the default MonARCH modules. If you are using this frequently you might like to source this in your .profile / .bash_profile.
To list all modules:
module avail
You will see the additionals tools listed under the
section, followed by
the default MonARCH modules.
Please consult the M3 Bioinformatics Community Page for full documentation on the software available.