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Copying files to and from M3

If you want to move files to and from M3, e.g. from your personal computer or from some instrument's computer, this is the section for you!

New users may be more comfortable with GUIs than with the command line. Here are a few GUI programs for transferring files to/from M3.

FileZillaFor Windows, MacOS, and Linux users. Only download from this site! Other sites may have malware.See our FileZilla guide
WinSCPFor Windows users only.See our WinSCP guide
CyberduckFor MacOS or Windows.We don't provide specific CyberDuck instructions. See the CyberDuck website.
GlobusFor all users. M3 admins manage our own Globus endpoint to allow you to share files between computers and collaborators.See our Globus guide

If you're comfortable with the command line, you may prefer to use scp or rsync.