MASSIVE Terms of Use
Cyber Security Management Policy and Information Technology Acceptable Use Procedure
Use of the MASSIVE facility is subject to Monash University's Cyber Security Management Policy [PDF] and Information Technology Acceptable Use Procedure [PDF]. Please familiarise yourself with these documents.
When reading the Information Technology Acceptable Use Procedure [PDF], note in particular the following points :
1.3. Users must not share their authentication credentials, including passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes, and must ensure their University IT environments are not accessed by other staff, students, friends, family, or individuals including third parties. To manage cyber risks, users must refer to the Cyber Security Management Policy and report any suspicious activities or security incidents immediately.
1.4. Access to University IT environments may be restricted or removed if a user does not comply with University policies, procedures and schedules and the expectations set out in mandatory University training modules related to IT and/or cyber security.
1.5. Access to University IT environments is contingent upon a user's ongoing affiliation with the University and will be disabled upon the termination of this affiliation.
1.5.1 Upon approval from the head of unit, portfolio head, or the WMP Director, Digital Technology and Information Management, extended access may be granted to a user for up to 30 days.
2.1. Users are responsible for all activities originating from their accounts and/or when accessing University IT environments. Users must respect user privacy, act responsibly and in accordance with relevant laws, University policies and undertake mandatory training modules. This includes complying with the University's Cyber Security Management Policy, Ethics Statement Policy, Equity, Diversity and Anti-discrimination Policy, Integrity and Respect Policy, Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy, Data Protection and Privacy Procedure, Data Protection and Privacy Schedule - Monash University Indonesia, Student General Conduct Policy, and Monash College Student Code of Conduct.
2.1.1. Users must also comply with the Terms of Service or Acceptable Use policies of third-party products or services that have been engaged by the University
2.2. While the University permits incidental personal use of its IT environments, users must ensure that such use does not disrupt the operation or access to these environments, incur additional costs for the University, or conflict with their University obligations.
2.4. Users are responsible for the security of University-issued and personally-owned devices.
2.5. To the extent allowed by law, the University accepts no responsibility for:
- loss or damage, or consequential loss or damage, arising from the use of its IT environments;
- loss of data or interference with files arising from its efforts to maintain the IT environments; and
- users whose actions breach legislation.
2.6. Users must not use the University's IT environments to:
- unauthorised access or use of another person's account;
- make unauthorised alterations to the University's IT environments, including but not limited to the installations of unauthorised software, hardware or remote access solutions;
- attempt to bypass, tamper or remove cyber security measures or user restrictions; and
- breach the terms of use or agreements for any services (including services provided by a third party) accessed via the University's IT environments.
2.7. Users are prohibited from using University IT environments, including emails and library resources, for private commercial purposes, personal financial gain, or benefiting a third party without authorisation. Use for private commercial activities is only permitted with approval from the Chief People Officer, in line with the Paid Outside Work Procedure, or for WMP staff by the WMP Chief Financial Officer.
2.8. Users are required to:
- comply with the Cyber Security Management Policy to maintain a secure IT environment;
- keep passwords and MFA codes confidential, and note that University IT teams or approved IT services will never request such information;
- refrain from compromising or attempting to compromise the security of any University IT environments, whether belonging to the University or other entities, and avoid exploring any security deficiencies unless explicitly approved by the Group Chief Information Security Officer;
- take reasonable precautions to avoid damage to or theft of devices; and
- ensure that devices are always locked when unattended.
Some of the points above have been abridged for brevity. Please read the Information Technology Acceptable Use Procedure [PDF].
We again emphasise point 1.3. Never share your passwords with anyone. Do not share your credentials with colleagues. University staff will never ask for your password.
The above translates to not sharing accounts or account details. For MASSIVE this is particularly important as it is a system linked to many other systems. It is vital to restrict access to the individual that has accepted these terms and conditions, so that the system is used fairly and securely for all other users. Users are limited to one account each. If you need an additional account (e.g. for a particular instrument) contact the MASSIVE helpdesk.
HPC etiquette
We also ask users to follow the HPC etiquette:
- Login nodes are used only for light single core processing tasks e.g.
- Submitting jobs
- Compiling code
- Light pre/post processing of jobs
- Moving data to and from MASSIVE should be done using the data transfer node (dtn)
- Do not run jobs on the login nodes
- Do not write scripts that poll the queuing system continuously (i.e. loops of less than 1 minute)
The above is important as the login nodes are a shared resource and the only entry point to MASSIVE. If all the resources or services are consumed by one user, all other users are denied access to MASSIVE.
Email notifications
One of the conditions of having access to M3 is that you receive HPC notification emails. These notification emails allow us to improve our service and/or let you know about any service interruptions, changes or updates. Opting out of this mail list requires you to relinquish your M3 access. Contact the MASSIVE helpdesk for further information.