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Obtain FileZilla

  1. Navigate to and click on Download for your operating system

  2. Once downloaded, install the application on your machine.

Windows users

On Windows the installer may also attempt to install WinZip and Opera. Make sure you deselect the checkbox if you don't want these applications.

Use FileZilla

  1. Start up FileZilla.
Windows Users

On Windows the look of the program will be different to the screen shots below but the location of buttons and fields is similar.

  1. In FileZilla click on the Site-Manager button.

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  1. Click on New Site and create a new site for M3.

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  1. Complete the following fields and click on Connect.
ProtocolSFTP SSH File Transfer Protocol
Logon TypeAsk for Password
UserYour HPC ID username
  1. Enter your password.

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  1. FileZilla will connect to your home account on M3. Assuming everything went well you can now drag and drop files into M3.