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Compute Storage

Compute storage (also known as volume storage), is a disk-based storage product that is best used as a scratch space when running parallel computational jobs on the Racmon cluster. Racmon is the Victorian node of the Nectar service.

Compute storage can only be used by Nectar VM (Virtual Machine) instances which are created as part of specific projects via the Nectar Dashboard. Note that while Nectar VMs can be requested through the Nectar Dashboard, Compute storage should be requested through the Data Dashboard.

Additional information about compute storage can be found on the Nectar website.


Technical Information

Supported Operating SystemsAny Nectar VM-supported operating system
SecurityStorage is linked to specific Nectar projects and any related VMs. Appropriate security measures (firewall rules, etc) should be considered and applied to each VM independently
Security ClassificationPublic, Restricted
Backup ScheduleNone, but there is data redundancy