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Market Storage

Market storage (also known as Market-file) is a disk-based storage product that is designed to support research data that is accessed regularly (usually every day) by researchers. Market storage closely resembles the Monash University S Drive and is suitable for data that changes frequently and needs to be available for daily work but is too large to be stored on a local machine. Market storage can be presented as a desktop share/network drive (SMB) or can be mounted on a server (NFS). Access to the shares is controlled by a user group for SMB shares (via the University's GroupAdmin access group control), or by network address for NFS shares

Market storage uses disk capacity exclusively and provides fast and immediate access to files. Content written to Market will stay there until it is archived to a Vault allocation or is deleted. The data stored in Market is backed up once per day and thirty days of backups are stored. This means that individual file changes made over the course of a day cannot be recovered because only the last change made before the backup commences (usually overnight) will be retained. Data that has been deleted is generally retrievable within the 30-day backup window, but once deleted data is older than thirty days it will no longer be recoverable.

Market storage can be provided for large collections, but for very large collections (more than 10TB) a combination of Market and Vault storage is recommended. For such collections, it is recommended that a smaller Market allocation should be used for data that is currently being used or analysed while older, unused data should be stored in a Vault allocation and moved to Market as required. Market storage can also be made accessible to the Internet (not recommended for critical or sensitive data) using Aspera, a web-based service that is useful for sharing large amounts of data with external collaborators. Note that Market storage has less overall capacity than Vault storage and allocations are assigned individual quotas. Market storage can be requested via the Data Dashboard.


Technical Information

ProtocolsSMB, NFS, SFTP
Supported Operating SystemsWindows1, macOS, Linux.
SecuritySecure access groups (SMB) or specific machines (NFS) via hostname or IP.
Security ClassificationPublic, Restricted.
Backup ScheduleDaily, 30-day backup retention period.
LimitsMax. file size 2TB, Max. 100,000 files per directory


  1. Note that machines running Windows Vista Enterprise or later versions can be configured to mount NFS shares, but doing so is problematic. As a result, NFS is recommended only for macOS and Linux machines.