is a custom command for running interactive Slurm jobs on M3, based on
tmux sessions. It lets you gain access to
the compute and GPU resources of M3, but in an interactive command line where
you can iterate on your work, rather than a predefined
batch job or a full-on Strudel desktop.
To quickly start an interactive session with smux
with default parameters, simply run
smux new-session
If you aren't connected right away, you may need to wait for your job to start, then you can run the command below to attach to your job:
smux a
For more details on how to use smux
, just run smux --help
! Run smux <subcommand> --help
to get
help for a particular subcommand, e.g. smux new-session --help
[lexg@m3-login3 ~]$ smux --help
usage: smux [-h] {attach-session,a,new-session,n,list-sessions,l,why-are-we-waiting} ...
A tool to created and reconnect to interactive sessions
Use "smux new-session" to create a new session
Use "smux list-sessions" to list existing sessions
Use "smux attach-session -t <ID>" to connect to an existing session
When in a session, use the keys control+b then press d to dettach from the session
Short forms (n, l and a) are also accepted. <ID> is optional if you only have one job.
For more detailed help on each subcommand you can smux <subcommand> --help,
for example smux n --help will display additional options for starting a new session
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[lexg@m3-login3 ~]$ smux new-session --help
usage: smux new-session [-h] [--ntasks <n>] [--nodes <n>] [--mem <n>] [--cpuspertask <n>] [--qos <n>] [-J <n>] [-A <n>] [-p PARTITION] [-r RESERVATION] [-t TIME] [--gres <n>]
[-o <n>] [-e <n>] [--mail-type <n>] [--mail-user <n>]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ntasks <n> The number of tasks you will launch
--nodes <n> The number of nodes you need
--mem <n> The amount of memory you need
--cpuspertask <n> The number of cpus needed for each task
--qos <n> The QoS (Quality of Service) used for the task (certain QoS are only valid on some partitiotns)
-J <n>, --jobname <n>
The name of your job
-A <n>, --account <n>
Specify your account
The partition to execute on
The reservation to use
-t TIME, --time TIME The amount of time to run for
--gres <n> The type and number of gpus needed for each task
-o <n>, --output <n> Standard output file name
-e <n>, --error <n> Error output file name
--mail-type <n> Notify user by email when certain event types occur (
--mail-user <n> User to receive email notification of state changes as defined by --mail-type (
How do I quit my smux
If you are happy to terminate your smux
session, just type Ctrl+d
. If you wish
to temporarily exit your smux session, wishing to come back to it later, do Ctrl+b
then d
. See the official tmux wiki for
details on using tmux
itself, but you don't really need to know tmux
to use
I can't scroll up or down in smux
This is an issue with tmux
. See superuser - How do I scroll in tmux? for advice on scrolling in tmux