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Monitoring your jobs

Seeing your queued and running jobs

Use show_job to see a summary of your currently queued and running jobs. See squeue if you want more control over the information displayed.

Where is the output of my job?

The "output" of your job could be in a few different places:

  • If the software you are using creates its own output files, look there!
  • If you have run a batch job, then any output that would normally be printed to your terminal will be in a file called slurm-<JOBID>.out in the same directory that you ran sbatch in.
  • If you have run an smux session, look for files called smux-<JOBID>.out (for normal output) and smux-<JOBID>.err (for error messages). These will be in the same directoy that you ran smux in. There proba

Viewing past jobs

Use mon_sacct to view details about previous jobs, such as how long they ran for and the maximum memory they used. Alternatively, see sacct if you want more control over the information displayed.