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eResearch Documentation

Enabling and accelerating research discovery at Monash University and beyond


Welcome! We're consolidating the documentation of services provided by eResearch. You'll find information on how to access and use our services, as well as where to go for help when you need it:
 • M3
 • MonARCH
 • RDS
 • More coming soon

eResearch Training

By collaborating with world-leading technology partners and national research infrastructure providers, we equip researchers with new tools and practices, and fast-track industry's ability to bring new technologies to the market.


We provide advanced data storage, high-performance computing and expertise for data processing, modelling and simulation, collaboration platforms, and communication capabilities to disseminate research data.

Accelerating Progress

Monash eResearch is accelerating progress by applying advanced computing and information technology to important research problems, and by partnering with Australian and global research communities.