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R@CMon IDC Spotlight - AMD & DELL

· One min read
Blair M. Bethwaite

Late in 2013 Monash was approached by AMD and Dell to provide information for an IDC report on the Monash Node of the NeCTAR Research Cloud . We were more than happy to contribute and highlight the success of our Node and NeCTAR as a whole, plus share lessons learned along the way.

Whilst it contains the requisite commercial "fluff" (the R@CMon tech team speaking here), we were keen to share our experience with enterprise customers who might take note of such reports and thus further assist OpenStack's penetration in the enterprise sector.

Note that the report contains some outdated information about the full capability of the Monash Node, notably that we'll have over 4500 cores capacity, which we'll correct next week when we post about the progress of phase 2!