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R@CMon at Monash Technology Fair 2013

· One min read
Swe Aung

The R@CMon team, along with our colleagues from the Monash eResearch Centre, manned a booth at the recent Monash Technology Fair 2013. The event was held at Clayton Campus between the 22nd and 23rd of October. The Tech Fair is Monash's internal "trade-show", showcasing products and services available for Monash researchers, teachers, students and professional staff - including the NeCTAR Research Cloud!

The eResearch booths: R@CMon, Research HPC & Visualisation, Research Collaboration Tools, and Research Data Management; held prime position at the entry and attracted a good deal of interest from both old and new Monash staff. We were particularly pleased to hear how impressed our local research community is with the NeCTAR Research Cloud project, especially with Monash's early participation in such an ambitious research-focused project.


If you picked up one of our flyers (or even if you didn't) but need some more information or help getting started on R@CMon, then please don't hesitate to contact us.